Comedy of Errors

Good god. 1:45 AM, I’ve been up since 7:00 yesterday morning, and I won’t be able to get to sleep before the airport shuttle picks me up at 5:30. I don’t even want to think about what kind of shape I’ll be in when I touch down in NYC at 6:15 East Coast time.

Non-stop scrambling and preparation over the last day or two. Trying to pack everything into my luggage, trying to disperse all of the gear to different pieces, trying to keep my cold at bay… trying to see the humor in my checking the United Airlines web site to see what the maximum allowable luggage weight is, wondering if my main suitcase is over that, and then getting an emphatic answer as the handle breaks off from the suitcase. At 12:00 midnight, mind you, which means there’s no time to go to a store and get another one before my flight leaves. So I improvise with smaller luggage, resign myself to bringing only one guitar and one PMC-10, and wrap lots of clothes around hard-to-fine (or replace) gear.

Stressed? Not anymore – I’m too tired and foggy-headed for that. Now I take a brief chance to sit and breathe (first real one all day) and try to remember to enjoy myself. That is the whole point, after all, right?

Next update will be on East Coast time. Preferably after catching up on some much-needed sleep.

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