Leaving Home (or: yes, the following is an elaborate metaphor)

OK, you two.

We’ve known this day was coming for a long time – I think I’ve pined for it and feared it in equal measure. I know neither of you is perfect, and you didn’t always turn out quite the way we’d expected, but those surprises have been pleasant at least as often as not. (Yeah, there’s still a few things that make me wince, but hey – nobody’s perfect.)

Letting you go out into the world is both exhilarating and terrifying – are you ready for what’s waiting? Is anyone or anything, in fact, actually waiting? Have we overlooked something crucial that will make us look back and say, “Oh, how COULD we?” Have I totally misjudged what you are, or betrayed what you should have been?

But as much as I’ve enjoyed having you here and watching you grow, my job isn’t done until you’ve gone out into the world at large. At the end of the day, that’s really what all of this was for in the first place.


I did the best I could with you guys, and I’m a better person for it. And all of my misgivings aside, I’m pretty damn proud of the way you turned out. So go on out there, and let’s see what you’re made of.

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